Our House Prep Packs are the perfect way to welcome and connect your youngest students
to their Houses.
Each House Prep Pack consists of 3 House coloured items from our House Store.
Go Team House Bag
Our House bags are a great way to keep your students organised.
Perfect for sorting students into excursion groups and carrying extra jumpers, sun hats, sunscreen, drink bottles, snacks, notebooks, pencil cases, library books, teddy bears and more!
Go Team House Tee
Our House tees are available in vibrant colours and provide instant connection
for students to their Houses.
Go Team House Bag Tag
It's amazing what something as simple as a House bag tag can do! A useful connection tool our House bag tags will help your students (and parents) remember which House they are in, whilst identifying other students in their House.
Your Prep students will be so excited to receive their House Prep Packs!